Will Bleach Damage My Hair?
Did you know that, when it comes to hair dye choices, blonde is the number 1 choice in Britain?
It’s actually a platinum, icy blonde that’s the most favoured – and totally on-trend right now! But, as we all know, bleached blonde hair is notoriously difficult to achieve.
Hair bleach will put your tresses to the test and if you don’t look after them, they can come out the other side looking a little worse for wear. Don’t panic though, most mistakes and mishaps when it comes to lightening your hair come from doing it at home – this is something we recommend leaving to the professionals! Professionals know what they’re doing when bleaching your hair, and help you keep it in good condition, making sure it doesn’t fall out.
Find out more with our expert bleached hair colouring guide.
What Actually is Hair Bleach?
Okay, the first thing to learn about bleaching your hair is what exactly this process is. Whilst we love a blonde bombshell, the method of getting there isn’t very kind! By understanding the process that you’re about to do, you can learn more about how to look after your hair once its bleached to keep it strong and healthy.
Bleach is actually a chemical treatment that removes your hair of its colour by opening up the cuticle. The bleach reacts with the melanin in the hair, removing the colour through an irreversible chemical reaction. The bleach oxidizes the melanin molecule. The melanin is still present, but the oxidized molecule is colourless. When that natural colour is gone, you’ll be left with your undercoat – darker bases have red, medium bases have orange and lighter bases have yellow pigment. Pre lightener will lift the pigment out to reveal the undercoat. Toners are used to neutralise the warmth. Toners will fade and the yellow will come back through. If the hair was been lifted to white you have over lightened and weakened the internal structure of the hair.
A lot of people leave bleach in for long periods of time in hopes of getting lighter hair and reducing the chances of orange or brassy tones. This definitely isn’t a good idea. Whilst the bleach will have longer to rid your hair of colour it’ll also do more damage, and if you leave it in too long you could be left with hair that’s in need of some serious TLC! Over processing your hair can result in it literally melting off (that’s a technical term, we promise!) with it burning off at the root and disintegrating at the ends – this is another reason why you should always go professional when it comes to hair lightening treatments!
Will Your Hair Fall Out If You Bleach It?
Whilst no one can say your hair won’t fall out if you bleach it, it’s not very likely. Bleached hair will only fall out if it’s been overprocessed to the max or the bleach is left on for far too long, which shouldn’t happen with a trained professional.
What’s more likely to happen is breakage. A lot of people get this confused with their hair falling out, but it’s actually very different. Hair breakage is when the strand of hair snaps off at some point along the shaft.
Breakage can be quite widespread if your hair isn’t properly bleached and looked after. It can leave you with a more choppy do than you might have anticipated and some haphazard layers, but it is avoidable! As long as you do your research in to post treatment hair care and follow your hair care professionals advice before diving into bleaching you should be able to keep it healthy and avoid breakage. Your hairdresser will know and be able to tell you when your hair isn’t in a good condition for potentially damaging treatment, for example if it’s particularly porous.
Porous hair is a reflection of damage to the cuticle (outside structure) it’s dry and needs moisture – this is generally caused by heat. Sensitised hair is damage to the internal structure, it changes the elasticity in the hair causing it to become brittle and snapping or stretchy like chewing gum. While some products can help restrengthen your hair, bleach can cause irreversible damage which will just need to be cut off. This isn’t just limited to the ends of your hair.
Can You Go from Black to Blonde Hair?
Is bleaching your hair bad if you go from black to blonde in one sitting? It definitely could be. Whilst professional hair bleaching shouldn’t damage hair, going from black or dark brown to blonde in one sitting could. Not only this, it’s near enough impossible!
If you ask your hairdresser to do this, they’ll probably advise you do it in stages. When it comes to how many times can you bleach your hair in one session the answer is always one! It’s pretty much impossible to get from black to white, blonde safely with one bleaching session.
White and platinum blondes are really popular, but often difficult to achieve on darker bases, not only this they are also really difficult to maintain. If you’re after those popular platinum and white shades, make sure you consult with your hairdresser to discuss how light your base shade will allow you to go, and are aware of the maintenance that will be required to keep it looking fabulous!
Your first session will bleach the hair safely, making it lighter but probably not getting to the light/ clean/ bright blonde you’re after. Your stylist will use toner to help improve the initial colour and reduce orange and brassy tones. You should then leave a minimum of two weeks for your hair to recover. Your stylist can then check its condition and let you know whether or not they can bleach again. If not, they’ll leave your hair for a little longer before going lighter again.
This can be a little bit frustrating, but it’s so worth it! When we treat hair maintaining the condition of your hair is our top priority, and we don’t carry out treatments that could cause long-term damage. You’d rather have healthy, glossy blonde locks for the long-term than dry, frizzy hair covered in split ends and breakage, right?
Can You Bleach Your Hair at Home?
If you’re thinking of bleaching your hair, a lot of people (including us) would advise you not to. There are so many things that can go wrong when bleaching your hair at home that it’s really not worth it! This is a chemical process, and you need to take that seriously.
It’s worth keeping in mind that home bleach is more dangerous than any other home colour because it’s got stronger ingredients for maximum lift. If applied incorrectly this can cause significant damage. Home bleach will also leave you with a warmer blonde as the undercoat is revealed. With a professional’s knowledge we can lift to the correct level and tone to neutralise.
A professional hair stylist is going to be able to apply the bleach properly, monitor it on your hair, and keep any damage to a minimum. They’ll also be able to help you keep your healthy by checking it every time you see them and letting you know what it needs more or less of (mainly in terms of protein and moisture). There’s no way around it; bleached hair done in a salon always looks and feels better than hair that’s bleached at home.
When it comes to home colouring our advice is clear… Stay away! Professionals mix bespoke formulas taking into account your natural hair colour, previous colour history, hair condition etc. Application process & timings vary depending on starting point and desired shade. The products available for home colouring are much stronger because it’s a one box fits all for maximum lift. This risks over processing your hair.
Maintenance for Bleached Hair
Once you’ve taken the plunge and your hair is now a beautiful blonde, it’s time for the maintenance to begin! Your hair is going to be more fragile than you’re used to after bleaching, and there are things you should do to make sure it doesn’t become unmanageable.
The first is to look at the products you’re using. Opt for a nourishing shampoo and conditioner designed for chemically treated hair. Silver shampoo is notoriously popular for counteracting this and keeping brassiness at bay.
You’re also going to have to add protein into your hair’s diet. Bleaching your hair reduces the natural protein in it and to keep it strong and help it rebuild, some extra treatments are going to be essential. You can opt for protein masks or daily leave-in serums to give your hair the boost it needs.
Alongside what you put onto your hair; you also need to be careful with how you treat it. Hair is always more fragile when wet, so avoid brushing it after a shower or putting it up, instead gently patting it dry with a towel and leaving it down. Use heat as little as possible to help prevent more damage and always use a heat-protector if you do!
There’s no doubt that your hair is going to be in a more fragile state after you’ve bleached it, but that doesn’t have to lead to breakage and split ends. As long as you know how to properly maintain it, you should be able to keep it looking glossy and healthy. Remember, if you’re ever struggling one of our hair stylists will always be happy to take a look at the condition of your hair and give you tips to nurse it back to life.
More Hair Colouring Guide Tips
At Noco Hair, we pride ourselves on our ability to bleach hair and keep it happy and healthy. Our hair colouring guide is just the start of our hair knowledge! If you’re looking for a team to bleach your hair with minimal damage, you’ll be in good hands with us.
To find out more, check out our price list and book an appointment. Your hair dreams await!