Grounding: Dipping Your Toe in the Water

Starting a career in hairdressing is both thrilling and a bit nerve-wracking. At NOCO Hair, we understand that transitioning from the classroom to the salon floor comes with mixed emotions. The Grounding phase, or onboarding phase, is where your journey begins. This initial stage, spanning your first year, is all about growth, learning, and discovering your place in the salon environment.

The Grounding Phase: A Personal Experience

Reflecting on my own experiences, I recall taking my kids to the swimming pool for the first time. They were excited but also nervous. There was no pressure to swim laps; instead, they just splashed around and got comfortable with the water. Similarly, as you start at NOCO Hair, this first phase is about getting comfortable in your new surroundings—dipping your toe in the water, so to speak. There’s no rush to master advanced skills right away; it’s about exploring the environment, finding your footing, and seeing how it feels.

What to Expect During Grounding (Onboarding)

Before you join us, there’s an onboarding process that begins with an interview. This can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s also the first step into a supportive journey where we get to know you and your aspirations. Once you’re on board, it’s normal to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension—questions like, “What if I mess up?” or “How will I fit in?” are common.

During the first year, our focus is less on technical hairdressing skills and more on building foundational professional skills. Here’s what you’ll be working on:

Before you join us, there’s an onboarding process that begins with an interview. This can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s also the first step into a supportive journey where we get to know you and your aspirations. Once you’re on board, it’s normal to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension—questions like, “What if I mess up?” or “How will I fit in?” are common.

During the first year, our focus is less on technical hairdressing skills and more on building foundational professional skills. Here’s what you’ll be working on:

  • Communication and Professional Presence: Learn how to make strong first impressions, communicate effectively with clients, and maintain professionalism in all interactions.
  • Understanding Salon Culture: At NOCO Hair, we aim for a high standard of service. You’ll learn what sets us apart and how to contribute to creating a welcoming, five-star experience for every client.
  • Finding Your Fit: This year is also about discovering if hairdressing is truly your passion. It’s a time to explore different aspects of salon life, build relationships, and understand the day-to-day flow.
Phase 1: Grounding (Year 1)
The route to success

Looking Ahead

While the Grounding phase focuses on getting comfortable and learning the basics, more specialised hairdressing training ramps up in your second year in what we call the Rooting Phase. This is when you’ll start diving deeper into the craft with a strong foundation already in place, much like moving from the shallow end of the pool to the deeper waters but still being supported by a mentor and with flotation devices.

Embracing the Journey

Remember, everyone at NOCO Hair has been where you are now. It’s okay to feel nervous and excited. This is a supportive environment, and we’re here to help you grow. Approach this phase with an open mind and a willingness to learn, and you’ll find that the journey becomes both enjoyable and rewarding.

By Noel Halligan – Co-Founder of NOCO Hair


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As a hairdresser and salon owner, I’ve experienced firsthand the challenges and rewards of growing in this industry. Over the years, I’ve noticed that there are six predictable stages that every professional seems to go through. These stages not only shape our careers but also help us understand our team members’ journeys. Interestingly, this progression isn’t just limited to hairdressing; it applies to any skilled profession.

I’ve come to recognise these stages as the GROWTH cycle:

  • Grounding
  • Rooting
  • Opening
  • Wilderness
  • Tempo / Technitian
  • Highly Skilled & High Income

Let me walk you through these stages and share how you can embrace them.

Grounding: Finding Your Feet (1 Year)

When someone first joins our team or when you’re starting something new, you’re in the Grounding phase. This phase typically lasts about a year. It’s the time to get comfortable, understand the environment, and decide if it’s the right fit for you. It’s overwhelming at first—there’s so much to learn, and the job can feel daunting. But it’s crucial not to rush this stage. The key is to make newcomers feel welcomed, valued, and excited about their future while ensuring they aren’t overloaded with information.

Rooting: Building a Foundation (2-3 Years)

After grounding comes Rooting, which spans roughly the next two to three years. In this phase, the focus shifts to developing skills. Whether you’re an apprentice hairdresser or someone learning a new aspect of your trade, this stage is about starting to engage more deeply with your work. You’re not just fitting in anymore; you’re beginning to explore where your strengths lie. Rooting involves honing communication skills, understanding teamwork, and beginning to master the basics of the job.

Opening: Stepping into the Unknown (3-4 Years)

The Opening phase, which usually occurs in years three to four of your career, is both exhilarating and intimidating. You’ve just qualified—congratulations! But this is where reality hits. Up to this point, every haircut or colour you’ve done has been supported by an educator or teacher. Now, it’s time to think for yourself, and that can be scary. You’re likely to seek safety, wanting reassurance as you start to make decisions on your own. The opening phase is a time of making mistakes, learning from them, and gradually building confidence. It’s essential to stay humble and keep learning, even though the external pressure to perform can be intense.

Wilderness: The Hardest Part of the Journey (4-5 Years)

The Wilderness phase, typically in the fourth to fifth year of your career, is perhaps the most challenging. You’ve left the safety of the Opening stage but aren’t yet a seasoned professional. This phase can feel isolating, and doubts often creep in. It’s easy to feel lost, especially when external voices question your progress. However, this is where resilience is built. The key is to keep pushing forward, making mistakes, learning, and refining your skills. Remember, every professional has been through this stage.

It’s common to feel like you’re on the brink of a breakthrough, thinking that completion is just around the corner. However, the reality is that there is no final destination in this journey—there’s always another level to reach. Too many people give up too soon, especially during the Wilderness stage, often lured by offers of more money or seemingly better benefits. But true growth, high skills, and high pay come from sticking with it and pushing through the pain.

This requires hard work, discipline, consistency, and the compounding of daily efforts. Nobody can do it for you, but the success is unlimited if you stay the course.

Tempo: Finding Your Rhythm (5-10 Years)

After persevering through the Wilderness, you’ll enter the Tempo phase, typically in years five to ten. Here, things start to click. You’re still learning, but now you’re making decisions with more confidence and understanding. Mistakes become less frequent because you can anticipate outcomes better. This phase is all about rhythm and flow—you’re in a groove, enjoying your work, and starting to see the rewards, both in terms of skills and income. It’s a time to relish your progress and build on the solid foundation you’ve created.

Highly Skilled & High Income: Mastery and Beyond (10+ Years)

Finally, we arrive at the stage of Highly Skilled and High Income, which usually begins after ten years in your career. This is where the years of hard work pay off. Your skills are refined, your client base is strong, and your income reflects your expertise. But this stage is not the end; it’s a new beginning. With your craft mastered, you now have the bandwidth to explore new opportunities—whether that’s mentoring others, taking on more complex work, or even branching out into business ventures.

At this point, you’ve earned the right to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can work smarter, not harder, perhaps even reducing your days in the salon while maintaining, or even increasing, your income. It’s a stage where you can finally see the full picture of your career journey and appreciate every step that got you here.

This graphic shows that the journey is an S shape to success

Embrace the Growing Pains

Every stage of the GROWTH cycle comes with its own set of challenges—what I like to call growing pains. But remember, if you’re not experiencing any discomfort, you’re probably not growing. Each phase serves a purpose, preparing you for the next. The key is to embrace where you are now, without rushing to the next stage. Growth takes time, and every step in this journey is valuable.

It’s normal to feel like you’re always on the verge of reaching the next level, but true growth is about continuous leveling up. You can’t go back; your only option is to move forward. By sticking with it and pushing through the challenges, especially during the Wilderness phase, you become more skilled, more valuable, and better positioned to enjoy the rewards that come with mastery.

My advice is simple: don’t look around at where others are on their journey. Focus on your own path, knuckle down, and become as valuable as you can by doing everything possible to achieve success. When you dedicate yourself to this process, you’ll find that the possibilities are truly limitless.

So, wherever you find yourself in this cycle, take a moment to appreciate it. Ground yourself, root your skills, open yourself to learning, navigate the wilderness, find your tempo, and eventually, enjoy the rewards of being highly skilled. The journey is as important as the destination, and the lessons learned along the way are what make you truly great.

By Noel Halligan

Written by Noel Halligan

As eager beavers, we’re often bursting with energy, ready to conquer the world with our ambitions. But just like in a marathon, if we start too fast, we risk burning out long before the finish line.

In the London Marathon, there’s a blue line that guides runners along the exact 26.2 miles – it’s a simple yet powerful guide that keeps them on track. There are also mile markers, helping runners pace themselves, ensuring they don’t go too hard, too soon. There have been many times where wondering off has left me with more work to do than sticking to the game plan.

This image is when was I finishing my 1st half ironman! It was tough. Didn’t do enough training, didn’t know what to expect but I did know that I could control my self when it came to the long game. One foot in front of the other. Even when people were stopping to walk in the run I used their energy to fuel me forward to the end. (Then ate the craziest amount of pizza)

But in life, our markers aren’t as clear. Birthdays remind us of time passing, but they don’t keep us focused on the journey. We need to set our own flags, create our own mile markers, to guide us through the marathon of life.

The Eager Beaver’s Guide to Self-Control is about finding that perfect balance. It’s about mentally and physically warming up to the challenges ahead, understanding that this journey is a long one. There’s a reward at the end, but it’s crucial not to get disheartened by how far away it seems.

Remember to breathe, to stay present, and to embrace the pain – because those tough moments are what build our character. They remind us that we’re alive, that we’re pushing our limits, and that we’re on a journey worth taking.

In the end, it’s not about how quickly you start, but how well you finish. So, as eager beavers, let’s pace ourselves, follow our own blue line, and keep moving forward with control, focus, and a smile on our face. The finish line is out there, and it’s waiting for us to cross it – one well-paced step at a time. 🏅

Wednesday 7th August & Friday 30th August


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You will learn

The most 3 common mistakes people make when they choose a hair colour

Our award-winning stylists are here to share their expertise and guide you through the process. Learn what to expect, how long it takes, and explore stylish options that make grey look fabulous.

FAQs we will cover…

Will Grey Hair suit me?

Will it make me look old?

How long does it take to grow out?

& Much more

Styles That Work with Grey Hair
From cropped hair to chic bobs to flowing locks, grey hair opens up a world of stylish possibilities. We will show you styles where it works and where it doesn’t!

Ready to Learn More?

Join our exclusive online session where our award-winning stylists will reveal everything you need to know about going grey. Get expert advice, see real-life transformations, and ask all your questions.

Register now for our Zoom session by selecting your date and clicking the image below:

Embark on your journey to beautiful grey hair with confidence and expert guidance. We’re here to help you every step of the way!

Download the FREE APP:

Do you wonder what you look like with a different colour?

Why not have a some fun and download the Loreal My Hair [ID] App. You can play around with different hair colours to see what works.

This is a bit of fun and worth play with but we would always recommend coming in for a consultation for some personalised professional advice

Can you make me look and feel younger?

Are concerns about age or gender inclusivity holding you back from stepping into a salon? Fear not, at NOCO Salon, we understand these worries, and we’re here to show you why age shouldn’t be a barrier to exceptional haircare. In this guide, we’ll delve into what sets NOCO Salon apart, how we embrace diversity, and why our services cater to everyone, regardless of age or gender.

Understanding Age and Inclusivity:
Have you ever wondered if you’re too old or too young for a salon visit? It’s a common question, but rest assured, at NOCO Salon, everyone is welcome. Age is merely a number in our salon, where our experienced stylists cater to clients of all ages, from those in their 20s to those in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. Our goal is simple: to boost your confidence, irrespective of age.

Catering to Diversity:
At NOCO Salon, inclusivity is at the heart of what we do. As a unisex salon, we take pride in offering a diverse range of services that suit all genders and age groups. Whether you’re seeking trendy highlights or classic haircuts, our versatile services cater to everyone’s preferences and needs, ensuring a tailored experience for each client.

Expertise in Youthful Haircare:
Our team of skilled stylists is well-versed in age-defying haircare techniques. Whether it’s a precision cut or subtle colour enhancements, we specialise in rejuvenating and enhancing your natural beauty, leaving you feeling refreshed and confident after every visit.

Celebrating Every Stage:
At NOCO Salon, we celebrate you at every stage of your journey. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a young adult exploring new styles, our doors are wide open to welcome you. Expect a warm, inviting atmosphere where everyone is valued and appreciated.

In conclusion, age should never deter you from indulging in top-tier haircare. At NOCO Salon, we embrace clients of all ages and genders, offering a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone. Whether you’re in need of age-defying treatments or simply seeking a style update, our dedicated stylists are here to exceed your expectations. Visit NOCO Salon today and discover why beauty knows no bounds.